Ref#MR-60LGL | Description
A stupendous Napoleon Second Empire style gilt-wood floor mirror, gilt with French gold foils 18th carat,
The large mirror serpentine top crested with sprays of flower garlands above a roaring lion mask surmounting a central large acanthus leaf volute issuing acanthus leaves Rinceau,
The lower Cyma Recta stepped frame houses two fluted shaft composite capital columns with twisted flower leaves and gadroon base,
The large beveled mirror plate topped with a ribbon knotted flower garlands and based with foliate entwined branches,
The fine mirror is available in silver finishing with French silver foils by request, available in different size as an over-mantel mirror and available as an entrance console as well.
Ref# MR-60LGL
270-170-12 cm
Ref# MR-60LGL-Silver (270-170-12 cm)
Ref# MR-60LGLD (192-108cm)
Ref# MR-60LGL-Console (230-160-40 cm)
- #Napoleon_Second_Empire_Grand_Mirror | #Empire_Style_Gilt_Mirror | #Napoleon_Style_Grand_Mirror | #Régence_style_giltwood_Mirror | #Italian_Renaissance_Mirror | #Romanesque_Style_Mirror | #Belle_Epoque_style_Mirrors | #Pier_Mirror | #Trumeau_Mirror,_Monumental_Mirror | #Rococo_Style_Mirror | #Mantel_Mirror | #Louis_XV_Mirror | #George_III_Mirror | #Gilt_Mirror | #French_Style_Mirror | #Gold_Foils_Mirror | #Oval_Shape_Mirror | #Figural_Mirror | #Louis_XVI_Mirror | #Baroque_Mirror | #French_Rococo_pier_mirrors | #Regence_style_Mirror | #English_Chippendale_Mirror | #Scrolled_Carved_Mirror | #Palatial_Style_Mirror | #Gesso_Carved_Mirros | #Italian_Style_Mirror | #Victorian_Style_Mirror | #Carved_and_giltwood_Mirror | #Silvered_Mirror | #Florentine_Style_Mirror | #Rocaille_Style_Mirror | #Dore_Style_Mirror | #Neoclassical_Style_Mirror